- Techno-Financial Services
For the renewable energy industry.

Exceedence is an Irish software and services company in the renewable energy space, specialising in the technical, financial, and business elements of technology and projects.
We are an independent expert in renewable energy financial modelling, analysis, optioneering and optimisation with our senior team being specialists in energy, finance, ICT, and policy. With a proven track record, we excel in a wide range of renewable energy sectors, including offshore wind, floating offshore wind, wave, tidal, offshore aquaculture, power-to-x, and floating PV energy.
We have a breadth of experience in various engagement models including direct consultancy, through tenders, through partnerships and through collaborations in funded projects.
Explore our website to learn more about our services, team, and past projects. Join us in shaping a sustainable future powered by renewable energy.

This realisation crystallised into a clear vision: to establish a company centred around renewable energy financial modelling. This vision took shape through an Enterprise Ireland-funded project from 2011 to 2014, ultimately leading to the establishment of Exceedence in 2015.
We had the opportunity to participate in the 2016 NDRC Accelerator as a selected Catalyser company, which further underscored our commitment to innovation. Additionally, we’ve been actively involved in various European projects. For example, we provided modelling and cost reduction strategies to 16 technology companies across diverse sectors, including wave, floating wind, offshore solar, floating hydrogen, tidal, and mooring systems, as part of the Marine Energy Alliance Interreg project.
We have worked on projects and with clients in the UK, Ireland, mainland Europe, Australia and Brazil.
Most recently, we have been selected as tendered experts for both the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) expert framework on Offshore Renewables and as framework members for the Department of Environment, Climate, and Communications (DECC) Offshore Renewable Energy group. This has led to us being featured as a case study in the Department of Enterprise Trade and Employments document Powering Prosperity – Ireland’s Offshore Wind Industrial Strategy.
A Renewable Energy Financial Modelling Solution Designed by Experts for the Renewable Sector

Established in 2015, Exceedence Ltd. is an Irish company specialising in the renewable energy sector. The senior team at Exceedence possess deep knowledge and expertise in the specialist areas of renewable energy, finance, ICT, and policy.
Exceedence exists to provide techno-financial modelling and analysis that supports design optimisation, identifies cost reduction pathways, and drives LCOE reductions via project innovation.
Identifying the need for standardised financial modelling to both optimise and de-risk projects, Exceedence designed and developed Exfin for the renewable energy sector.
Exceedence have and continue to progress sector development through their leadership in:
10 + Key EU projects
20+ National projects
-Members of the expert panel for the provision of financial and economic services to the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications.
-Members of the expert panel for the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) for the provision of offshore renewable energy policy and supports.
90+ Clients
from the developer community
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Our team is standing by to support you on your next project!