World Wide Wind’s tilting Counter-Rotating Vertical Axis Turbine (CRVT)
Conceptual design: CRVT with components labelled. Courtesy of World Wide Wind
1 Able to generate a sophisticated financial model of the current state of play for the floating offshore wind sector in multiple locations
2 Build two base case financial models showing enough detail in project inputs to distinguish between a steel and concrete floating substructure
3 Able to build a sufficient detailed financial model for the novel floating offshore wind technology to track the innovations within the technology
4 Track the LCOE reductions from the base case to the novel floating offshore wind technology and compare the two
Chart: Industry expected floating offshore wind LCOE reductions

Exceedence have supported our understanding of the actionable insights in the continued development of our technology, so we can stay focused on our customer needs and advantages. Morten Wiencke, Business Development Advisor, World Wide Wind
Key Benefits of Exfin
Accurate financial metrics Financial projections based on detailed engineering models and real-world wave, tidal or wind resources.
Accelerated project development Screen out weaker concepts earlier and accelerate the development and refinement of innovative design with genuine prospects.
Design optimisation Explore potential advances in energy generation and identify opportunities for cost reduction
Design understanding Key insights into annual energy production, local power fluctuations, loads in structural members and fatigue life expectancy, based on detailed engineering simulation
Clarity Complete transparency of both financial and engineering design processes
Consistency Suitable for all stages in the design process, from concept development, to model scale prototypes, and right through to full scale versions
Unlock investment Increase investor confidence by de-risking projects
Recognised by industry Validated via industry case studies and technical papers
Environmental and societal benefits Reduces entry barriers to new developers and facilitates growth of wave energy sector in general

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